Pharma-SpecificTM Survey Design

Providing evidence-based questionnaire development and survey design to the pharmaceutical industry

The best market research results are achieved by starting with a solid research foundation. In pharmaceutical market research, these solid foundations are based entirely upon market research survey design and methodology. Inpharmation experts have spent two decades testing and validating the best approaches to take for pharmaceutical market research to make sure your research project delivers the best results.
  • Inpharmation’s SurveyScannerTM tools can be used to identify and remove sources of survey bias so your survey design and results are bullet-proof.
  • Up to 39% fewer respondents complete research when they have been misinformed of the survey length. Inpharmation’s SurveyScanner tools can provide estimates of survey length so that your survey responses are maximized.*
  • Your analysis needs to be robust, so Inpharmation applies a pharma-specific conjoint analysis methodology that can achieve up to a 47% reduction in relative forecast error vs. traditional discrete choice-based conjoint analysis.**
*Independent research shows higher survey completion rates when respondents are accurately briefed.
*Reduction in relative forecast error for pharma-specific conjoint (n=20) vs. best choice-based conjoint method (n=40).
Fewer respondents complete research when they have been misinformed of the survey length.*

Pharmaceutical market research questionnaires often contain a high proportion of needlessly problematic questions. Inpharmation experts have identified key areas of poor survey design:
  • Respondents don’t understand the question: a number of factors can impact survey question comprehension, including question length and complexity.
  • Respondents give biased answers: for example, claiming to read more clinical papers than they do in order to look good.
  • Respondents give unreliable answers: survey confusion or fatigue results in answers that are highly ‘random’ and therefore unreliable.

When you choose Inpharmation’s Pharma-Specific quantitative market research platform, an Inpharmation questionnaire design expert will guide you through the survey design process. Not only are pitfalls of poor questionnaire design avoided, but you gain access to Inpharmation’s decades of experience helping to translate your strategic business questions into reliable and informative results.

Reduction in forecast error from Inpharmation’s pharma-specific research methodology vs. traditional gold standard methodology.**

"Europe's most respected pharma forecasting & pricing specialist consultancy."

Centre for Executive Leadership

Evidence-based questionnaire development and survey design

For the past two decades, Inpharmation has championed an approach to pharmaceutical conjoint analysis and quantitative market research that is built upon a solid evidence base. For the pharmaceutical industry, each and every survey respondent is a valuable source of insight.  In light of this, all Inpharmation’s marketing research analysis is based upon:

  • Questionnaire design which draws from principles that avoid biased or random survey responses.
  • Questionnaire design which draws from principles that avoid low survey completion rates.
  • Methodologies shown to be accurate for pharmaceutical market research respondent populations.

Included in all Inpharmation’s Pharma-Specific Conjoint projects is an expert-led questionnaire development phase where consultants design, vet and screen each survey question to ensure gold-standard quality research results.

The evidence-based approach to pharma conjoint is explained in detail in the book Pharma-Specific Conjoint: Evidence-based conjoint analysis for an evidence-based industry by Inpharmation’s founder and Chairman, Gary Johnson.

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Please note that Inpharmation literature and case study materials constitute Inpharmation intellectual property and are intended for the pharmaceutical industry. Inpharmation is under no obligation to distribute these materials to non-pharmaceutical industry employees or competitors.

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