Delivering evidence-based demand forecasts to the pharmaceutical industry
Inpharmation has two decades experience delivering solutions to the specific demand forecasting challenges of the pharmaceutical industry.
To deliver maximum forecast insights, Inpharmation champions “Evidence-based forecasting”. This is an approach to forecasting that involves building forecasts based on:
- Facts rather than opinions.
- Validated techniques, not untested approaches or guesses.
- Simple, transparent techniques rather than unintelligible black boxes.
Many of the top-50 global pharmaceutical companies are already using Inpharmation’s evidence-based demand forecasting software (FlexiCastTM) because of the huge benefits it brings. Inpharmation’s forecast models bring industry best-practice forecasting techniques to your demand forecasts and help to sell forecast results to top decision makers.
Inpharmation’s “manifesto” for evidence-based forecasting is contained in the book Sales Forecasting for Pharmaceuticals: An Evidence-Based Approach by Inpharmation’s Chairman, Gary Johnson. A number of the world’s leading pharma companies batch order this book to help instil an evidence-based approach to forecasting in their organizations.
What can evidence-based insights do for you?
For decades, Inpharmation has been driven to find the optimum sales forecasting models that are relevant for pharmaceutical sales forecasting.
If you have ever questioned the validity of the sales forecasting approaches recommended to you by a consultancy then you will understand why we developed a toolkit of validated forecast models for the pharmaceutical industry, delivering pricing solutions based upon models and methodologies that have been extensively validated for use in the pharmaceutical industry to gain market access.
We have approaches for each stage of your pharmaceutical product’s lifecycle. Behavior-based pricing and econometric pricing models for early stage assets, Payer summit, Payer conjoint and probabilistic van Westendorp for products coming to market.
We also have international system models and price-demand elasticity models for products near or past launch.
Inpharmation runs Europe’s leading pharmaceutical pricing for market access executive training courses. In all our projects we place great importance on transferring knowledge and skills to our clients.
The evidence behind Inpharmation’s fact-based approach to pricing is meticulously documented in the book Sales Forecasting for Pharmaceuticals: An Evidence-Based Approach by Inpharmation’s founder and Chairman, Gary Johnson.