DataTreeTM multi-segment forecasts

Providing evidence-based multi-segment forecasting models to the pharmaceutical industry

DataTree models scale as your forecast requirements increase in complexity

DataTree is Inpharmation’s expertly designed forecast scaling solution for multi-segment forecasts. Scaling up forecast models is a major challenge for the pharma industry. “Generic” forecasting templates may solve the scaling up issue – but they cannot capture the all-important, unique dynamics in a specific market.

The best forecast models have been carefully crafted to fit the shape of a specific market. Inpharmation’s FlexiCastTM platform has 73 models which can be used to flexibly answer your specific therapy area forecast requirements:

  • A modular approach reduces forecast errors; most new forecasts contain errors. In fact studies show that 94% of spreadsheet models contain serious errors, when not scaled using Inpharmation’s forecast scaling software, DataTree.
  • Inpharmation’s phRISK HyperCubeTM for DataTree allows you to run Monte-Carlo simulations where traditional approaches fail.
  • Most pharma forecast models incorrectly simulate therapy area-specific dynamics, such as multiple treatment steps in oncology forecasts. Inpharmation has two decades of experience delivering Pharma-SpecificTM bespoke forecast models.
* Taking a combined forecast approach using a Pharma-Specific approach vs. a standard approach.
**Errors found in audit of 88 non-modular spreadsheet models.
Errors found in audit of 88 non-modular spreadsheet models.**

Many of the global top-50 pharma and biotech companies have already realized that DataTree is the next logical step in multi-segment pharma forecasts…
  • DataTree is the next logical step: DataTree allows you to take a single spreadsheet and automatically scale it up into a multi-country, multi-therapy area, multi-patient segment, multi-indication model.
  • That minimizes the chance of errors: DataTree applies battle-tested technology to the scaling-up of forecast models and eliminates the quality nightmare.
  • And provides a host of additional features: DataTree also provides a host of additional functionality that lies far beyond the power of conventional Excel workbooks. This includes simplifying the way forecasts are shared, consolidated and analyzed.
Years of experience delivering Pharma-Specific bespoke forecast models.

“Europe’s most respected pharma forecasting specialist consultancy.”

Centre For Executive Leadership for Pharma

“… the largest advantage to this tool is the ability to easily update the assumptions…”

“Owing to the successful implementation of FlexiCast… and the acceptance of the methodology by Sr. Management, a decision has been made to expand usage…”

Top 10 Pharma Company

“The technical support was really good and very helpful for my project.  It was so good, I am in thinking about changing the format of our training to be all 1:1 based.”

Top 10 Pharma Company

Evidence-based multi-segment forecast models for the pharmaceutical industry

The reason more than 40% of the top-50 global pharma companies use Inpharmation’s evidence-based forecasting platform, is because when you need accurate, reliable forecasts; you need solutions that are based upon validated, Pharma-Specific models and tools.

Most importantly, bespoke forecasting models for the pharmaceutical industry to be specific to your strategic business questions:

  • DataTreeTM meets your requirements for forecasting multiple therapy areas and countries in a single forecast interface.
  • If you have ever tried to add risk to a massively segmented forecast, you will quickly understand the difficulties faced with multi-segment Monte-Carlo simulations – speed. Inpharmation’s phRISK HyperCube runs truly global risk analysis.
  • With 73 different forecast models, FlexiCast has evidence-based forecast models that are appropriate for all main therapy areas and have been validated for pharmaceutical forecasting.

Included in all Inpharmation’s FlexiCast software licenses is industry-leading training. 93% of course attendees highly rate our forecasting training.

The evidence behind Inpharmation’s fact-based approach to pricing is meticulously documented in the book Sales Forecasting for Pharmaceuticals: An Evidence-Based Approach by Inpharmation’s founder and Chairman, Gary Johnson.

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Please note that Inpharmation literature and case study materials constitute Inpharmation intellectual property and are intended for the pharmaceutical industry. Inpharmation is under no obligation to distribute these materials to non-pharmaceutical industry employees or competitors.

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