DataTreeTM multi-segment forecasts
Providing evidence-based multi-segment forecasting models to the pharmaceutical industry
DataTree is Inpharmation’s expertly designed forecast scaling solution for multi-segment forecasts. Scaling up forecast models is a major challenge for the pharma industry. “Generic” forecasting templates may solve the scaling up issue – but they cannot capture the all-important, unique dynamics in a specific market.
The best forecast models have been carefully crafted to fit the shape of a specific market. Inpharmation’s FlexiCastTM platform has 73 models which can be used to flexibly answer your specific therapy area forecast requirements:
- A modular approach reduces forecast errors; most new forecasts contain errors. In fact studies show that 94% of spreadsheet models contain serious errors, when not scaled using Inpharmation’s forecast scaling software, DataTree.
- Inpharmation’s phRISK HyperCubeTM for DataTree allows you to run Monte-Carlo simulations where traditional approaches fail.
- Most pharma forecast models incorrectly simulate therapy area-specific dynamics, such as multiple treatment steps in oncology forecasts. Inpharmation has two decades of experience delivering Pharma-SpecificTM bespoke forecast models.
* Taking a combined forecast approach using a Pharma-Specific approach vs. a standard approach.
**Errors found in audit of 88 non-modular spreadsheet models.
Errors found in audit of 88 non-modular spreadsheet models.**
Many of the global top-50 pharma and biotech companies have already realized that DataTree is the next logical step in multi-segment pharma forecasts…
- DataTree is the next logical step: DataTree allows you to take a single spreadsheet and automatically scale it up into a multi-country, multi-therapy area, multi-patient segment, multi-indication model.
- That minimizes the chance of errors: DataTree applies battle-tested technology to the scaling-up of forecast models and eliminates the quality nightmare.
- And provides a host of additional features: DataTree also provides a host of additional functionality that lies far beyond the power of conventional Excel workbooks. This includes simplifying the way forecasts are shared, consolidated and analyzed.
Years of experience delivering Pharma-Specific bespoke forecast models.
Evidence-based multi-segment forecast models for the pharmaceutical industry
The reason more than 40% of the top-50 global pharma companies use Inpharmation’s evidence-based forecasting platform, is because when you need accurate, reliable forecasts; you need solutions that are based upon validated, Pharma-Specific models and tools.
Most importantly, bespoke forecasting models for the pharmaceutical industry to be specific to your strategic business questions:
- DataTreeTM meets your requirements for forecasting multiple therapy areas and countries in a single forecast interface.
- If you have ever tried to add risk to a massively segmented forecast, you will quickly understand the difficulties faced with multi-segment Monte-Carlo simulations – speed. Inpharmation’s phRISK HyperCube runs truly global risk analysis.
- With 73 different forecast models, FlexiCast has evidence-based forecast models that are appropriate for all main therapy areas and have been validated for pharmaceutical forecasting.
Included in all Inpharmation’s FlexiCast software licenses is industry-leading training. 93% of course attendees highly rate our forecasting training.
The evidence behind Inpharmation’s fact-based approach to pricing is meticulously documented in the book Sales Forecasting for Pharmaceuticals: An Evidence-Based Approach by Inpharmation’s founder and Chairman, Gary Johnson.