Kim Robinson

Kim Robinson

Director of Sales and Marketing

Kim believes that successful collaborations begin with a strong understanding of our clients’ needs and what they are ultimately trying to achieve. The key, he believes, is listening carefully, asking the right questions, building a picture. Only then can we find the right and most elegant solutions to help them. This is one of the reasons our customers choose to work with us again and again.

Over the past decade Kim has built a talented and hard-working business development team which is underpinned by his philosophy of listening to the client.

Kim is hugely experienced. He helps our customers in all areas of pharmaceutical pricing, forecasting, and market research. He has worked with most of the top 50 pharma companies across the globe and has experience in all major therapy areas and across all stages of the pharmaceutical lifecycle.

Kim has a First-Class Honours degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Manchester.

He joined Inpharmation’s Board of Directors in 2021.

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